One or more descriptor handles can be explicitly allocated by calling the SQLAllocHandle() function with the SQL_HANDLE_DESC option and a valid connection and statement handle. 在指定了SQLHANDLEDESC选项的情况下,通过调用SQLAllocHandle()函数可以显式地分配一个或多个描述符句柄,以及一个有效的连接句柄和语句句柄。
QuerySQL& Any valid SQL select statement that retrieves the XML document ( s) that need to be updated. querySQL&任何用于检索需要更新的XML文档的有效SQL选择语句。
Any valid SQLSTATE value can be used in the SIGNAL statement, including user-defined SQLSTATEs and conditions. 任何有效SQLSTATE值都可以用于SIGNAL语句中,包括用户定义的SQLSTATE和条件。
On its own, this is a completely valid statement. 从这句话本身来说,这完全是一个有效的声明。
Possible causes for this include the following: the backup folder path is not valid, the disk is full, or any other reason that the backup statement could fail. 导致此问题的可能原因包括:备份文件夹路径无效、磁盘已满或可能导致backup语句失败的其他任何原因。
Valid documents verifying sources of assets and amount of capital, with clear statement of ownership; 资产来源、资金数额及有效证明文件,并载明产权;
Specifiers and attributes are not valid on this statement. 说明符和属性在此语句上无效。
Constructor call is valid only as the first statement in an instance constructor. 构造函数调用仅作为实例构造函数中的第一条语句有效。
A valid mdx statement that evaluates to members that have the same grain. 有效的mdx语句,该语句的值为粒度相同的成员。
The centre of valid inference is that a certain statement is able to follow ( from) other statement or statements. 有效推理的核心是某一陈述能从另一陈述或陈述集合中所得出。